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Fulhealth Silver Colloid 500ml

$38.80 $46.95


Fulhealth Silver Colloid is fully natural antimicrobial which is totally safe for human consumption. Silver has been used from many years to prevent bacterial infections and used to treat wounds. Colloidal Silver has been clinically tested to promote fast healing and aid in healing. This is a great remedy for everyone.


  • Great for wound care and faster healing
  • Helpful in curing ear infections
  • Treats pink eye
  • Helps in reducing bodily toxins

Serving suggestion:

You can consume 20ml per day as it falls below the N.H.M.R.C. guidelines. Add 10 ml of silver colloid to around 1L of water and let it sit for around 20 minutes so that the water gets sanitized.

 Consume the water in 30 minutes.


Always read the label and use it as directed.

Please check ingredient listings on the actual product before use.


Store in a cool, dry environment, not in direct sunlight.


Made from Sub-Micron Filtered, De-Gassed and De-Ionised Water In Which 99.999+% Fine Silver Is Electrolytically Introduced To Produce Pure Silver Particles Of Less Than .01 Microns (10 Nanometres) In Size.

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